From core half B material for chrysphytes, chironomids, BSi (ICP), stable isotopes, FTIRS, CNS, LOI, diatoms and pollen will be taken with annual resolution. Subsampling will be based on precise estimation of varve borders using high-resolution digital pictures and scans of thin sections. After field work the cores were transported to Gdańsk where they were stored cold and dark in a cold room. Next we cut the cores lengthwise and split into halves labeled as A and B. Split cores were photographed using digital camera and macroscopically described (sediment type, grain size, structure, color and additional information). All visible macrofossils were picked up from the core surface, photographed under a microscope and stored in sealed vials with deionized water. First, the XRF scanning and radiography with ITRAX Core Scanner as well as VIS-RS scanning will be done. Then we will sample core half A continuously for thin section and with 3 year resolution for wet density, water content, Pb-210 and Cs-137. Macrofossils found during subsampling will be stored and dated by C-14 method.
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