In September 2011 the first CLIMPOL field work was carried out to core sediments from three previously selected lakes: Lake Żabińskie, Lake Głęboka Kuta and Lake Jaczno. We collected a set of sediment cores using 90 mm diameter UWITEC gravity corer. The cores were transported to Gdańsk where they were opened by splitting lengthwise. In all lakes biogenic varves were found with pale spring/summer layers composed of autochthonous carbonates (calcite) and dark fall/winter layers made of detritic components. Based on macroscopic evaluation of varve preservation and thickness, Lake Żabińskie was selected as our master site for CLIMPOL.


We enjoyed stormy weather, beautiful landscape and hard work. Operating the corer with 3 m-long liners from two rubber boats was a big challenge!



During one week of exciting field work we obtained 11 sediment cores from the investigated lakes:

Date Lake name Core name Coordinates Water depth (m) Core length (m)
08.09.2011 Żabińskie ZAB-11/01 54°07''54.4"N
42.8 0.64
08.09.2011 Żabińskie ZAB-11/02 54°07''54.4"N
42.8 1.82
08.09.2011 Żabińskie ZAB-11/03 54°07''54.5"N
42.8 2.45
08.09.2011 Żabińskie ZAB-11/04 54°07''54.6"N
43.0 2.30
09.09.2011 Głęboka Kuta GKUT-11/01 54°10''05.2"N
22.0 0.47
09.09.2011 Głęboka Kuta GKUT-11/02 54°10''05.1"N
22.0 2.30
09.09.2011 Głęboka Kuta GKUT-11/03 54°10''05.2"N
22.0 2.40
12.09.2011 Jaczno JAC-11/01 54°16''48.8"N
19.5 0.60
12.09.2011 Jaczno JAC-11/02 54°16''48.6"N
19.5 2.60
12.09.2011 Jaczno JAC-11/03 54°16''48.4"N
19.5 2.90
12.09.2011 Jaczno JAC-11/04 54°16''26.3"N
22.6 2.60



The coring team: Alicja Bonk (UG), Wojciech Tylmann (UG), Martin Grosjean (UBe), Christian Kamenik (UBe), Małgorzata Kinder (UG), Benjamin Amann (UBe).

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