CLIMPOL aims at a quantitative reconstruction of winter and summer temperature (variability, trends, amplitudes and extremes) in northern Poland during the last 1000 years. The combination of expertise on climate change and top-quality climate archives allows developing our research in an interdisciplinary and multi-proxy approach. The reconstruction will be based on laboratory analyses of lacustrine sediments from Lake Żabińskie using precise chronology and biological, isotopic and geochemical proxies. Results will be calibrated with a modern training set of lakes (Transfer Function) and a calibration-in-time approach using long instrumental data series and validated with documentary data available.

In agreement with the overall research questions and goals, our research will develop along three Tasks:

Task 1:
Transfer Function development using modern sediments of 50 Polish lakes located along a climatic gradient for a set of biological and geochemical proxies which are indicative for a specific climate variable and season.

Task 2:
Ensembles of quantitative seasonal temperature reconstructions at 3-years resolution for the past 1000 years based on the best material and most sensitive location in NE Poland using Transfer Functions and calibration-in-time.

Task 3:
Ensemble validation with long independent early instrumental and documentary time series and climate model scoring to constrain the likelihood of future climate projections and to reduce errors within those projections.

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