According to our knowledge based on primary measurements, Lake Żabińskie is a dimictic lake. During summer stratification (May-October), the lake is divided into three distinct vertical strata (epilimnion, metalimnion and hypolimnion), defined by depth profiles of temperature, conductivity and oxygen concentration. In the winter months (January-March), the lake is ice covered and inversely stratified during the winter months. Spring and fall overturn is usually complete, i.e. water column is mixed from the surface to the bottom.
At present, Lake Żabińskie is highly eutrofic lake with distinct algal blooms during growing season and low water transparency. Limnological measurements indicate the hypolimnion of Lake Żabińskie extends over the water depth range from ca. 10 to 44 meters and is anoxic during much of the year. Conductivity through the water column varies in the range 350-450 µS/cm and pH is in the range 6.9-8.0. In Lake Żabińskie calcium ions and bicarbonates predominate over potassium, sodium, magnesium, chloride and sulphate.
Sediment trap equipped with a thermistor was exposed in the lake during fieldwork in 2011. Besides, monthly lake-water measurements (temperature, conductivity, oxygen, pH, redox potential, phosphorus and nitrogen) have been done since October 2011. Surface and near-bottom water-samples are collected every month for stable oxygen isotopes analysis. The monitoring program is planned for two years. With the progress of measurements we will complete and present the information about limnology and hydrochemistry of Lake Żabińskie.